Results for 'Antonius Quirinus Cornelis Tak'

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  1.  10
    Fiona Woollard, Doing & Allowing Harm, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 239 hlm.Antonius Sudiarja - 2017 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 16 (2):220-226.
    Sejak Immanuel Kant, moral sering diartikan sebagai kewajiban yang berat. Dalam bukunya Doing & Allowing Harm ini, Fiona Woollard tampaknya ingin menolak pemahaman yang rigor. Ia tidak ingin buruburu menilai orang yang tidak menjalankan kewajiban sebagai teledor atau lalai, sebab dalam situasi konkrit, ada berbagai konteks berbeda, yang dalam etika Kant kurang diperhitungkan. Dalam hal ini Woollard membedakan disposisi antara melakukan (doing) dan membiarkan (allowing) terjadinya pencederaan (harming). Woollard hanya menyatakan bahwa melakukan pencederaan lebih sulit untuk dibenarkan daripada hanya membiarkan (...)
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  2. The inadequacy of unitary characterizations of pain.Jennifer Corns - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 169 (3):355-378.
    Though pain scientists now understand pain to be a complex experience typically composed of sensation, emotion, cognition, and motivational responses, many philosophers maintain that pain is adequately characterized by one privileged aspect of this complexity. Philosophically dominant unitary accounts of pain as a sensation or perception are here evaluated by their ability to explain actual cases—and found wanting. Further, it is argued that no forthcoming unitary characterization of pain is likely to succeed. Instead, I contend that both the motivating intuitions (...)
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    The Complex Reality of Pain.Jennifer Corns - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book employs contemporary philosophy, scientific research, and clinical reports to argue that pain, though real, is not an appropriate object of scientific generalisations or an appropriate target for medical intervention. Each pain experience is instead complex and idiosyncratic in a way which undermines scientific utility. In addition to contributing novel arguments and developing a novel position on the nature of pain, the book provides an interdisciplinary overview of dominant models of pain. The author lays the needed groundwork for improved (...)
  4. (1 other version)Recent Work on Pain.Jennifer Corns - 2018 - Analysis 78 (4):737-753.
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    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola on the Conflict of Philosophy and Rhetoric.Quirinus Breen - 1952 - Journal of the History of Ideas 13 (1/4):384.
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    ‘Grotian Moments’ in the Dutch East Indies? The Reception of Hugo Grotius’s Ideas in Cornelis Van Vollenhoven’s Writings on Customary Law and Colonialism.Cornelis Marinus Veld - 2024 - Grotiana 45 (2):291-316.
    In this paper it is argued that Grotius views on customary law are compatible with the concept of a ‘Grotian Moment’. However, the idea of accelerated customary international law is developed by Van Vollenhoven, who interpreted Grotius in a questionable way. Whereas Grotius qualifies as a thinker in the tradition of natural law, Van Vollenhoven should be seen as an interactionist. This is especially visible in his publications on adat law, in which he visibly belongs to a romantic, Germanist, and (...)
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  7. Righteousness and Profitableness: The Moral Choices of Contemporary Confucian Entrepreneurs.Tak Sing Cheung & Ambrose Yeo-Chi King - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (3):243-257.
    The present study takes Confucian entrepreneurs as an entry point to portray the dynamics and problems involved in the process of putting moral precepts into practice, a central issue in business ethics. Confucian entrepreneurs are defined as the owners of manufacturing or business firms who harbor the moral values of Confucianism. Other than a brief account of their historical background, 41 subjects from various parts of Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur were selected for in-depth interviews. By (...)
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  8. Suffering as significantly disrupted agency.Jennifer Corns - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 105 (3):706-729.
    This article offers a new theory of suffering as significantly disrupted agency. In presenting it, I here make three significant contributions. First, I subject the leading account of suffering as undesired unpleasant experience (Brady, 2018) to its first dose of sustained scrutiny. Second and drawing on this discussion, I identify and liberate eight desiderata for any account of suffering. Third, I present the novel account of suffering as significantly disrupted agency and argue that it satisfies these desiderata. Moreover, I argue (...)
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    Faith in international agricultural development: Conservation Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.Corné J. Rademaker & Henk Jochemsen - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):199-212.
    The role of faith and religion in international development cooperation is hotly debated today. The legitimacy of this role remains, however, often confided to instrumental reasons. Yet, thinking about faith and religion only in instrumental terms leaves unquestioned the possibility of a religious background of development cooperation as a practice itself and the potential role of faith through individual practitioners that operate within secular NGOs, and research and policy institutes. The aim of the present paper is therefore to consider the (...)
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    Ethnographie Seduction, Transference, and Resistance in Dialogues about Terror and Violence in Argentina.Antonius C. G. M. Robben - 1996 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 24 (1):71-106.
  11. Pain eliminativism: scientific and traditional.Jennifer Corns - 2016 - Synthese 193 (9).
    Traditional eliminativism is the view that a term should be eliminated from everyday speech due to failures of reference. Following Edouard Machery, we may distinguish this traditional eliminativism about a kind and its term from a scientific eliminativism according to which a term should be eliminated from scientific discourse due to a lack of referential utility. The distinction matters if any terms are rightly retained for daily life despite being rightly eliminated from scientific inquiry. In this article, I argue that (...)
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    The re‐emergence of “emergence”: A venerable concept in search of a theory.Peter A. Corning - 2002 - Complexity 7 (6):18-30.
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    The mechanisation of Aristotelianism: the late Aristotelian setting of Thomas Hobbes' natural philosophy.Cornelis Hendrik Leijenhorst - 2002 - Boston: Brill.
    This book discusses the Aristotelian setting of Thomas Hobbes' main work on natural philosophy, "De Corpore (1655).
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    Remaking “Nature”: The Ecological Turn in Dutch Water Management.Cornelis Disco - 2002 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 27 (2):206-235.
    The ecological turn in water management has usually been interpreted as a political and cultural rather than technical and professional accomplishment. The dynamics of the uptake of ecological expertise into hydraulic engineering bureaucracies have not been well described. Focusing on the controversy around the damming of the Oosterschelde estuary in the Netherlands in the 1970s, this article shows how public environmental politics transformed the politics of interprofessional competition. Andrew Abbott’s concept of “jurisdictional vacancies” is mobilized to illuminate how ecologists took (...)
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  15. Mono-and poly-paradigmatic developments in natural and social sciences.Cornelis J. Lammers - 1974 - In Richard Whitley (ed.), Social processes of scientific development. Boston: Routlege & K. Paul. pp. 123--147.
  16.  21
    Ad se ipsum libri XII.Marcus Aurelius Antonius - 1987 - De Gruyter.
    Die Bibliotheca Teubneriana, gegr ndet 1849, ist die weltweit lteste, traditionsreichste und umfangreichste Editionsreihe griechischer und lateinischer Literatur von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit. Pro Jahr erscheinen 4-5 neue Editionen. S mtliche Ausgaben werden durch eine lateinische Praefatio erg nzt. Die wissenschaftliche Betreuung der Reihe obliegt einem Team anerkannter Philologen: Gian Biagio Conte (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) James Diggle (University of Cambridge) Donald J. Mastronarde (University of California, Berkeley) Franco Montanari (Universit di Genova) Heinz-G nther Nesselrath (Georg-August-Universit t G (...)
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    Identité, « race », liberté d’expression.Rachad Antonius & Normand Baillargeon (eds.) - 2011 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    En collaboration avec Marie-France Bazzo, Maka Kotto et plusieurs autres, voici un ouvrage qui traite de la liberté d’expression (que ce soit à propos du mot en n, ou de la pièce de théâtre SLAV), des débats sur le genre, ainsi que d’autres questions sociales fortement médiatisées qui ont provoqué un certain malaise dans la société.
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    Introduction.Rachad Antonius & Normand Baillargeon - 2011 - In Rachad Antonius & Normand Baillargeon (eds.), Identité, « race », liberté d’expression. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval. pp. 1-24.
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    Interpreting ruskin: The argument of the seven lamps of architecture and the stones of venice.Cornelis J. Baljon - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (4):401-414.
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    Metafoor bij Aristoteles.Cornelis A. Bos - 2003 - Philosophia Reformata 68 (2):123-136.
    Er is de laatste decennia nogal wat te doen over de metafoor en haar functie. En vaak wordt daarbij verwezen naar een belangrijke tekst van de Griekse filosoof Aristoteles. Ik wil in het hierna volgende nagaan wat Aristoteles over de metafoor zegt. Ik begin met de hierboven bedoelde passage in haar verband zo letterlijk mogelijk te vertalen. Dan bezie ik verder wat Aristoteles met de metafoor die hij als voorbeeld gebruikt, doet en vervolgens bezien we wat Aristoteles verder over de (...)
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    Melancthon's Reply to G. Pico della Mirandola.Quirinus Breen - 1952 - Journal of the History of Ideas 13 (1/4):413.
  22. Magistri Eckardi Opera Latina auspiciis Instituti Sanctae Sabinae in Urbe ad codicum fidem edita. Fasciculus XIII.Antonius Dondaine - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (43):363-364.
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    Discourse-Theoretic Democracy and the Problem of Free-Riding in Global Climate-Change Mitigation.Antonius Bastian Limahekin - 2017 - Environmental Ethics 39 (4):377-394.
    Free-riding in global climate-change mitigation is a serious problem both from moral and instrumental points of view. It goes against the principle of reciprocity and has a damaging impact on the global effort to combat climate change. This problem can be resolved within the scheme of discourse-theoretic democracy by exploiting the domestic political public sphere to channel the green voice pushing for the making of environmental laws and poli­cies, to raise public awareness of the damaging impacts of climate change, and (...)
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    Horatius σνμπόιης.Antonius Lowinski - 1882 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 41 (1-4):169-171.
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    Coexistence of Habitat Specialists and Generalists in Metapopulation Models of Multiple-Habitat Landscapes.Cornelis J. Nagelkerke & Steph B. J. Menken - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (4):467-480.
    In coarse-grained environments specialists are generally predicted to dominate. Empirically, however, coexistence with generalists is often observed. We present a simple, but previously unrecognized, mechanism for coexistence of a habitat generalist and a number of habitat specialist species. In our model all species have a metapopulation structure in a landscape consisting of patches of different habitat types, governed by local extinction and colonization. Each specialist is limited to its specific type of habitat. The generalist can use more types of habitat, (...)
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    Christian Wolff's philosophy of contingent reality.Cornelis Anthonie Peursevann - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (1).
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    Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution.Peter Corning - 2005 - University of Chicago Press.
    In recent years, evolutionary theorists have come to recognize that the reductionist, individualist, gene-centered approach to evolution cannot sufficiently account for the emergence of complex biological systems over time. Peter A. Corning has been at the forefront of a new generation of complexity theorists who have been working to reshape the foundations of evolutionary theory. Well known for his Synergism Hypothesis—a theory of complexity in evolution that assigns a key causal role to various forms of functional synergy—Corning puts this theory (...)
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    How do primary care doctors deal with uncertainty in making diagnostic decisions?Antonius Schneider, Bernd Löwe, Stefan Barie, Stefanie Joos, Peter Engeser & Joachim Szecsenyi - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):431-437.
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    The best interests of persistently vegetative patients: to die rather that to live?Tak Kwong Chan & George Lim Tipoe - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (3):202-204.
    Adults without the capacity to make their own medical decisions have their rights protected under the Mental Capacity Act in the UK. The underlying principle of the court's decisions is the best interests test, and the evaluation of best interests is a welfare appraisal. Although the House of Lords in the well-known case of Bland held that the decision to withhold treatment for patients in a persistent vegetative state should not be based on their best interests, judges in recent cases (...)
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    Argumentation Theory for Mathematical Argument.Joseph Corneli, Ursula Martin, Dave Murray-Rust, Gabriela Rino Nesin & Alison Pease - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (2):173-214.
    To adequately model mathematical arguments the analyst must be able to represent the mathematical objects under discussion and the relationships between them, as well as inferences drawn about these objects and relationships as the discourse unfolds. We introduce a framework with these properties, which has been used to analyse mathematical dialogues and expository texts. The framework can recover salient elements of discourse at, and within, the sentence level, as well as the way mathematical content connects to form larger argumentative structures. (...)
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  31. The re-emergence of emergence, and the causal role of synergy in emergent evolution.Peter A. Corning - 2012 - Synthese 185 (2):295-317.
    Despite its current popularity, “emergence” is a concept with a venerable history and an elusive, ambiguous standing in contemporary evolutionary theory. This paper briefly recounts the history of the term and details some of its current usages. Not only are there radically varying interpretations about how to define emergence but “reductionist” and “holistic” theorists hold very different views about the issue of causation. However, these two seemingly polar positions are not irreconcilable. Reductionism, or detailed analysis of the parts and their (...)
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    (1 other version)A Critical Engagement with Ratcliffe’s Phenomenological Exploration of Grief.Jennifer Corns - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (1):85-93.
    Grief Worlds is a phenomenological exploration of grief experiences and what they may teach us about emotional experience and human experience more generally. Though explicitly and self-consciously...
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  33. Hedonic Rationality.Jennifer Corns - 2019 - In Michael S. Brady, David Bain & Jennifer Corns (eds.), Philosophy of Suffering: Metaphysics, Value, and Normativity. London: Routledge.
  34.  8
    Phoebe: The Woman Deacon And Patron In Romans 16:1-2.Antonius Galih Aryanto - 2021 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 17 (2):181-192.
    The name “Phoebe” probably is not too familiar in the study of the New Testament before 90’s. However, in the recent study of the role of woman in the Bible in connection with the patronage system in the Greco-Roman society, Phoebe has an important role because she helps Paul in his preparation for the mission to Rome. Paul calls her as a sister, deacon, and patron. This research argues that Phoebe has a role as a benefactor and deacon within the (...)
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    Erasmus.Cornelis Augustin (ed.) - 1972 - Hasselt,: Heideland-Orbis.
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    HIV status: the prima facie right not to know the result.Tak Kwong Chan - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (2):100-103.
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    Changing the past: Retrocausality and narrative construction.Cornelis Putten - 2006 - Metaphilosophy 37 (2):254-258.
    This article is a reply to Jeanne Peijnenburg's argument for retrocausality in “Shaping Your Own Life.” Although it is perfectly possible to make sense of the way Peijnenburg deals with the subject of changing the past, there is no need to think this implies retrocausality.
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  38. Paraphrasis Dionysii poematis de aucupio'.Antonius Garzya - 1955 - Byzantion 25 (27):201-239.
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    The Whewell-Mill debate on predictions, from Mill's point of view.Cornelis Menke - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 69:60-71.
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    Sport in een veranderende wereld.Cornelis Gerardus Maria Miermans - 1959 - Utrecht,: Het Spectrum.
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    Cinta kasih suami-istri sebagai fondasi kehidupan keluarga kristiani.Antonius Moa & Yordianus Pajo Hewen - forthcoming - Logos:153-168.
    The development of time which becoming more modern, exposes married couples to various opportunities and challenges to build Christian family life. The development of the modern world which is marked by very rapid progress in the fields of science and technology not only has a very positive impact but also has a very negative impact on the realization of Christian family life. The magnitude of the negative impact that has occurred has resulted in many Christian families, especially Christian husbands and (...)
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    Socrates is een mens: tragiek van een levenseinde.Antonius Wilhelmus Willibrordus Rieter - 1998 - Best: Damon.
    Analyse van historische, juridische en filosofische aspecten van de terdoodveroordeling van de Griekse wijsgeer.
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    The scientifization of culture: thoughts of a physicist on the techno-scientific revolution and the laws of progress.Cornelis Willem Rietdijk - 1994 - Assen: Van Gorcum. Edited by H. J. Eysenck.
    Chapter The Triumph of Reason; Anticipating the Bio- Technetronic Civilization I believe information technology is at the basis of a new age of civilization ...
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    Sociology and the sacred: an introduction to Philip Rieff's theory of culture.Antonius A. W. Zondervan - 2005 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
    The acclaimed American sociologist and cultural philosopher Philip Rieff gained great academic prestige with his thesis on the emergence of 'Psychological Man' in western culture and with his classic book, Freud: The Mind of the Moralist, published in 1959. In this work and the later The Triumph of the Therapeutic (1966) he not only offered a highly original interpretation of the work of Sigmund Freud, but critically evaluated the enormous influence of psychotherapeutic thinking on Western culture. However, Rieff's later work (...)
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    Rethinking the Negativity Bias.Jennifer Corns - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (3):607-625.
    The negativity bias is a broad psychological principle according to which the negative is more causally efficacious than the positive. Bad, as it is often put, is stronger than good. The principle is widely accepted and often serves as a constraint in affective science. If true, it has significant implications for everyday life and philosophical inquiry. In this article, I submit the negativity bias to its first dose of philosophical scrutiny and argue that it should be rejected. I conclude by (...)
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    Christian Wolff's Philosophy of Contingent Reality.Cornelis Anthonie van Peursen - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (1):69-82.
  47. Unpleasantness, Motivational Oomph, and Painfulness.Jennifer Corns - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (2):238-254.
    Painful pains are, paradigmatically, unpleasant and motivating. The dominant view amongst philosophers and pain scientists is that these two features are essentially related and sufficient for painfulness. In this article, I first offer scientifically informed characterizations of both unpleasantness and motivational oomph and argue against other extant accounts. I then draw on folk-characterized cases and current neurobiological and neurobehavioral evidence to argue that both dominant positions are mistaken. Unpleasantness and motivational oomph doubly dissociate and, even taken together, are insufficient for (...)
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  48. The Social Pain Posit.Jennifer Corns - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (3):561-582.
    Although discussion of social pain has become popular among researchers in psychology and behavioural neuroscience, the philosophical community has yet to pay it any direct attention. Social pain is characterized as the emotional reaction to the perception of the loss or devaluation of desired relationships. These are argued to comprise a pain type and are explicitly intended to include the everyday sub-types grief, jealousy, heartbreak, rejection, and hurt feelings. Social pain is accordingly posited as a nested type of pain encompassing (...)
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    Interactions between Obsessional Symptoms and Interpersonal Ambivalences in Psychodynamic Therapy: An Empirical Case Study.Shana Cornelis, Mattias Desmet, Kimberly L. H. D. Van Nieuwenhove, Reitske Meganck, Jochem Willemsen, Ruth Inslegers & Jasper Feyaerts - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:190151.
    Background: The classical symptom specificity hypothesis (Blatt, 1974) links obsessional symptoms to autonomous interpersonal behavior. Inconsistent findings from cross-sectional group studies on symptom specificity have previously been associated with several conceptual and methodological limitations intrinsic to nomothetic research. Previous empirical case research reported ambivalences between autonomous and dependent interpersonal behavior in obsessional pathology. Aim and Method: The present ‘theory-building’ case study specifically aims at further refinement of the classical symptom specificity hypothesis by testing specific operationalizations within an empirical single case (...)
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  50.  50
    The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain.Jennifer Corns (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    The phenomenon of pain presents problems and puzzles for philosophers who want to understand its nature. Though pain might seem simple, there has been disagreement since Aristotle about whether pain is an emotion, sensation, perception, or disturbed state of the body. Despite advances in psychology, neuroscience, and medicine, pain is still poorly understood and multiple theories of pain abound. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain is an outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting (...)
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